Tag: exercise

  • How to do Seated forward fold

    How to do Seated forward fold

    The Seated forward fold is a simple way to stretch your hamstrings and gently relax your lower back. It’s great for improving flexibility and winding down after a workout.

  • How to do Side stretch

    How to do Side stretch

    The Side Stretch is a simple way to stretch and loosen up the sides of your body. It helps improve flexibility in your torso and is great for relieving tension in your back and sides, making it perfect for warming up or cooling down.

  • How to do Shoulder shrugs

    How to do Shoulder shrugs

    Shoulder shrugs are an easy way to loosen up your shoulders and neck, especially if you’ve been sitting for a long time. This exercise helps you relax those tight muscles and improve flexibility in your upper back.

  • How to do Calming breathing

    How to do Calming breathing

    The Calming breathing exercise combines gentle movements with deep, controlled breathing to help reduce stress and calm your mind. It’s a simple technique that can be practiced anytime you need a moment of peace.

  • How to do Chest opener stretch

    How to do Chest opener stretch

    The Chest Opener Stretch is excellent for loosening up the chest and shoulders, making it perfect for anyone who spends a lot of time sitting or needs a good stretch after exercising.

  • How to do Side leg pulses

    How to do Side leg pulses

    Side leg pulses are a fantastic way to step up from regular side leg lifts. They involve quick, small movements that keep your muscles constantly engaged. This ongoing muscle activity builds endurance and shapes your outer thighs more effectively than regular lifts, making it a top choice for efficiently toning your legs.

  • How to do Knee-to-elbow Bird dog

    How to do Knee-to-elbow Bird dog

    Once you’re comfortable with the basic Bird Dog, the Knee-to-Elbow variation is a natural next step to level up your routine. This modification has more movement that really tests your balance and makes your core muscles work harder.

  • How to do Heel-toe raises

    How to do Heel-toe raises

    Heel-toe raises are great for strengthening your calves and improving your balance. They also help stabilize your ankles and boost your lower body endurance, making them a perfect pick for your everyday workout.

  • How to do Savasana

    How to do Savasana

    Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose, is a powerful relaxation exercise. It originates from yoga, but can be effectively used as a cool down after any other physical activity. This pose is perfect for calming the nervous system, improving overall well-being, and promoting a deep state of relaxation for both body and mind.

  • How to do Knee to chest stretch

    How to do Knee to chest stretch

    The Knee to chest stretch is a gentle exercise that targets the muscles of the lower back, hips, and glutes. It’s especially beneficial for relieving tension in the lower back and can help improve overall flexibility.