Type: Strength and balance
Suitable for: Warm-Up, Strength training
Heel-toe raises are great for strengthening your calves and improving your balance. They also help stabilize your ankles and boost your lower body endurance, making them a perfect pick for your everyday workout.
- Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. You can put your hands on your hips or hold something steady for balance.
- Lift your heels off the ground, standing on the balls of your feet.
- Hold for a few seconds.
- Slowly lower your heels to the floor, then roll back onto your heels while lifting your toes.
- Put your toes back down and get ready for the next lift.
- Repeat for as many times as you like.

Helpful hints
- Stand tall: Keep your back straight and your core tight. Good posture makes the exercise more effective and prevents injuries.
- Move slowly: Use smooth, slow movements to raise and lower your body. This helps you use your calf muscles better and keeps you from just bouncing up and down.
- Keep knees straight: Make sure your knees are straight during the exercise to focus the effort on your calves and protect your knees.