How to do Arm scissors

Type: Dynamic stretch
Suitable for: Warm-up, Cardio fitness, Muscle endurance

Arm scissors are a fantastic way to wake up your upper body, boosting blood flow and building endurance in your shoulders. This simple crossing and opening motion works your arms, shoulders, and chest, making it a great addition to your warm-up or cardio routine.


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms to the sides at shoulder height, palms down.
  2. Cross your right arm over your left in front of you, making an “X” with your arms.
  3. Open your arms back out to the sides.
  4. Now cross your left arm over your right, forming the “X” again.
  5. Keep the movement going, alternating crosses, and always keep your palms down.
  6. Do this for a set number of reps or a specific time.

Helpful hints

  • Arm height matters: Keep your arms level with your shoulders, parallel to the floor. This helps you get the most out of each motion.
  • Keep shoulders easy: Don’t let your shoulders creep up or hunch. Keep them down and relaxed to avoid any strain.
  • Smooth it out: Make each crossing smooth and controlled—no need to rush or jerk around.
  • Relax above: Keep your neck and upper body chilled out. This helps focus the effort on your shoulders and keeps your core solid.
  • Remember to breathe: Keep your breathing steady and even. It helps keep the rhythm and reduces tension.


