How to do Cross-body punch

Muscle group: upper body (arms, chest, shoulders), core.
Intensity: moderate (you will get a decent portion of cardio, while working on your strength).


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.
  2. Keeping the weight in your right foot, pivot the left foot and rotate hips and torso to the right.
  3. At the same time, punch your left arm across your body to the right, as if you were punching an opponent standing to your right.
  4. Keep right arm close to your body for balance.
  5. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side, pivoting your right foot and punching with your right arm.

Modifications: if the exercise feels too intense, perform it at a slower pace and with less force. Focus on maintaining proper form and control rather than speed or power. Also, you can start by performing only the punches without rotating the hips. This allows to focus on mastering the arm motion before adding more complexity.


  • Overextending the punch: Be sure to punch only as far as is comfortable for you, without overextending or locking your elbow.
  • Forgetting to pivot: The power of the cross punch comes from the rotation of your hips and torso. Be sure to pivot on your foot as you punch to engage your core muscles.
  • Tensing the shoulders: Keep your shoulders relaxed and down throughout the exercise to avoid strain or injury.


Cross-body punches are a versatile and functional exercise that offers various benefits for overall fitness and functional movement.

Cross-body punches target the arms, shoulders, and chest, helping to strengthen and tone the upper body muscles. The rotational movement engages the core, enhancing stability and promoting better posture. Coordinating the arms with the footwork challenges motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Incorporating this exercise into a cardio workout can elevate the heart rate, contributing to improved endurance.

Performing punches can be an effective way to release pent-up energy and stress, providing a cathartic and empowering experience.

Cross-body punches can be modified to suit various fitness levels, making them accessible to beginners while offering challenges for more advanced individuals. Various benefits of this exercise makes it an excellent addition to a circuit training routine. Here’s an example of a circuit workout, which includes cross-body punches.



