How to do Walking jacks with lateral arms

Type: Dynamic cardio warm-up
Suitable for: Warm-up, Cardio fitness, Coordination

Walking jacks with lateral arms are a fantastic way to get your body warmed up before any workout. This exercise gently raises your heart rate while loosening up your shoulders, arms, and legs, making it an ideal start to keep you moving smoothly throughout your fitness session.


  1. Begin standing with your feet together and your arms in front of you at chest level.
  2. Step to the right with your right foot, spreading your arms out to the sides simultaneously.
  3. Bring your left foot next to your right, returning your arms to the front.
  4. Repeat these steps to the left side, moving smoothly and at your own pace.
  5. Continue alternating sides.

Helpful hints

  • Stay upright: Keep your torso straight to avoid leaning forward or backward, which helps maintain balance.
  • Mind your knees: Don’t let your knees cave inward; keep them aligned with your toes.
  • Full arm extension: Reach your arms fully to the sides to maximize the stretch in your shoulders.
  • Take it slow: Focus on controlled movements rather than speed to enhance the warm-up effect and ensure proper form.


