How to do standing Bicycle crunches

Muscle group: shoulders, core, obliques, lower body (hips, glutes, lower back).
Intensity: moderate.


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands lightly behind your head, without interlocking your fingers. Your elbows should be pointing outward.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles to engage your core. Imagine bringing your ribcage towards your hip bones.
  3. Lift your right knee towards your left elbow while simultaneously twisting your torso to bring your left elbow towards your lifted knee. Your goal is to touch your left elbow to your right knee.
  4. Lower your right leg and untwist your torso, returning to the starting position with your hands behind your head and your feet on the ground.
  5. Lift your left knee towards your right elbow while twisting your torso to bring your right elbow towards your lifted knee. Aim to touch your right elbow to your left knee.
  6. Alternate sides. Focus on the twisting motion, engaging your obliques with each movement.
  7. Exhale as you crunch and bring your knee and elbow together. Inhale as you return to the starting position.
  8. Keep your chest open and your back straight throughout the exercise. Avoid pulling on your head with your hands; they are there for light support, not to lift your head.
  9. Perform the exercise for a set duration (e.g., 30 seconds) or a specific number of repetitions, depending on your fitness level.

Modifications: this is the easiest modification.


  • Poor posture: Maintain an upright posture throughout the exercise. Avoid leaning too far forward or backward, as this can strain your back.
  • Jerky movements: Perform the exercise in a controlled manner. Avoid rapid, jerky movements, and focus on the quality of the crunches.
  • Neck strain: Don’t pull on your neck with your hands. Your hands should lightly support your head, but the effort should come from your core muscles, not your neck.
  • Incomplete range of motion: Fully extend your leg and twist your torso to engage your obliques effectively. Incomplete movements might reduce the impact of the exercise.


Standing Bicycle Crunches are an effective and convenient core-strengthening exercise. It primarily targets your abdominal muscles, including the rectus abdominis and obliques, helping to tone and strengthen your core. Also it challenges your balance and stability as you twist and lift your legs, promoting better coordination.

This exercise is gentler on the lower back compared to floor exercises, making it a suitable option for individuals with lower back issues.

Standing Bicycle Crunches offer general benefits for core strength, balance, and convenience. Moreover, their adaptability makes them an excellent choice for circuit training, where they can enhance the overall workout, and for HIIT workouts, where they provide a dynamic and intense core engagement to maximize the benefits of high-intensity intervals. Remember to maintain proper form and engage your core muscles to maximize the benefits of this exercise while minimizing the risk of strain or injury.



