How to do Superman

Muscle group: lower back, upper back, core, lower body (hamstrings, glutes)
Intensity: light

The Superman exercise, named after the iconic comic book hero for its resemblance to flying, is a light-intensity workout that’s perfect for enhancing your posture and increasing spinal flexibility. Regularly practicing this exercise helps combat the effects of sitting for long periods by strengthening the muscles that keep your spine properly aligned. It fits smoothly into various training routines, making it a great addition to circuit workouts, HIIT sessions, and even physical therapy for back injury recovery.


  1. Lie face down on a mat with your arms extended in front of you.
  2. Simultaneously lift your arms, legs, and chest off the ground, creating a posture resembling Superman in flight. Keep your neck neutral.
  3. Maintain the lifted position for a few seconds, focusing on the muscle contraction.
  4. Slowly lower back to the starting position.

Modifications: If lifting both at once is too challenging, start by raising only your upper body, then lower it back down. Next, lift just your lower body. This helps build strength gradually.


  • Too much arching: Don’t let your back curve too much. Keep your abs tight to protect your lower back.
  • Lifting your head too high: Keep your head in line with your body to avoid hurting your neck.
  • Forgetting to breathe: Breathe in as you lower your arms and legs back to the ground, and breathe out as you lift them back up. Keep your breathing steady.
  • Moving too fast: Slow down your movements. Fast, jerky moves are not that effective and can even cause injuries.
  • Holding too long: Holding the pose for too long may strain your muscles. Start with shorter holds and increase the duration as your strength improves.


